Did you know that 1,964,142 properties in CA are exposed to significant flood risk? Did you also know virtually every county in the U.S. (98%) has experienced at least one major flood disaster declaration in the past two decades?
Without reauthorization before July 31, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) cannot issue or renew policies where flood insurance is required for a mortgage.
Just one inch of flooding can cause $25,000 in structural damage.
CA property owners with insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) receive an average of $19,100 to repair their home, compared with just $11,100 for those who decide to roll the dice and rely on the federal government for disaster assistance.
Advocating on behalf of the real estate industry and consumers across the nation is one of our core strengths as an organization. Join me in continuing to fight for public policies that help property owners recover more fully and quickly after a flood. Tell Congress to ACT NOW to avoid a lapse in program coverage and protect property owners in CA: